Whirled Music Series featuring Robert Meade performing the Beatles Unplugged

Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Beatles Unplugged is a celebration of sorts. Dedicated to the Fab Four and Derek Taylored to all the Beautiful People who appreciate and can’t live whiteout their tunes. You will hear the classics of course but also absurd and obscure tracks with John, Paul, George & Ringo’s solo efforts Peppered in there as well. It’s a night to Come Together and enjoy yourselves! Singing along is encouraged but not required. Fun for all ages so bring everyone, short and tall.
The Host:
Robert Meade’s a singer/songwriter, solo acoustic musician who’s been living and performing throughout the Northwest area for over a decade. His brand of Beatle Covers, upbeat Rhythm ‘n’ Blues Originals & Americana Ambiance channels some of rock’s greatest souls in his raw, vulnerable lyricism and playing. It’s bound to lift the spirit!